Jan 28, 2020
Hello How’s Your ePresence listeners! Welcome to our news update, where we discuss the biggest stories in social media- all in ten minutes. On this episode, we take a more somber note to lament the death of one of basketball’s finest, Kobe Bryant.
After the legend’s death late Sunday afternoon, every social media outlet was bursting with commentary on the unexpected tragedy. Unfortunately, amidst the millions who posted tokens of love and remembrance, there were several rude internet trolls. We take time on this podcast to discuss social media etiquette and ethics, especially in the wake of big news. Additionally, we take a minute to discuss the rise of Tik-Tok, and how social media is turning to a more talent-focused than status-focused approach.
Quote of the podcast: “One of the greatest things about social media is that everyone has a voice and can weigh in with the global community.”
Kobe Byant, tragedy, social media, respect, humanity, social awareness, Tik-Tok, ethics, social media etiquette, ePresence
Contact Information:
Eric Welch:
Mark Galvin:
ePresence, LLC © 2020
Eric, we are out of time…
Remember you find us at ePresence.me, that’s ePresence.ME because it is all about you! That does it for this show! ePresence manages personal, company and collegiate social media.
That means:
First: we can clean up the CEO’s and the entire executive team’s social media footprint
Second: we can drive the CEO’s entire company’s social media plan and execution
And Finally: we help every college student get ready to find the perfect job through a better presence on social media, plus we help polish the resume and conduct a mock interview.
Interested in our offerings? Contact us at epresence.me or at 404-939-8094.
Until next time, this is Mark Galvin, we will talk to you soon.