Dec 6, 2019
Artificial intelligence - what does the term mean to you? Does it bring confusion? Fear? Excitement about new possibilities? On this podcast, Mark, from ePresence, and Eric Vardon discuss practical ways artificial intelligence can help you market your business and be more efficient. Also, on the agenda: defining the key to leadership success, whether you are an employee, in middle management, or a CEO.
Eric Vardon is an accomplished tech entrepreneur, C-Suite executive, contributor at Forbes Agency Council, and an advisor. On this episode he focuses on his experience with start-ups and a game changer in the AI technology realm called Morphio.
“Artificial intelligence helps our new entrepreneur friends. There’s a new way- you don’t have to hire a bunch of people anymore; you can advertise for yourself a little at a time online and monitor what’s successful and what isn’t.”
Some keywords from today’s chat
You can now customize your URL on LinkedIn. When you do this, your URL becomes your new handle. This is a great thing capitalize on because you can have a consist brand across all of your social media channels.
Stephen F. Austin beat No. 1 Duke in Men’s Basketball on November 26th. Not only was the upset incredible, but so was the $100,000 spike in donations to the player who made the winning lay-up, Norris Bain. His family, who live in the Bahamas, set up a GoFundMe to help counter the destruction of Hurricane Dorian. After the win, thanks to social media publicity and the spirit of giving, thousands poured into their account.
Questions Discussed with Eric Vardon
How to reach Eric: